I am the Boxer, I get no peaceful sleep tonight.

This is a post that has been forming for a while now, but I've been to afraid to write it, let alone post it. I do not wish to cause trouble or rifts and I do not wish for people to get the wrong end of things, but I feel like I can no longer, in good conscious, put it off.

This is a post not in support of why I think Hilary Clinton should have been president, because she shouldn't and this isn't a post bashing conservatives...or liberals... or anyone really.

I simply have to say the following to my Christian and/or conservative brothers and sisters...

The bible teaches us to do unto others as we would have them do to us. The bible teaches us love and truth and wisdom and kindness. The bible teaches us intelligence and to protect the people we love and care about, to seek out God wherever He may be found.

Ladies and Gentlemen, again I IMPLORE you not to take this as a post saying that I want Hilary to be president so don't come telling me why she is awful, I DON'T CARE. What I care about is the fact that Trump was given the nomination, that he continued to be the popular choice and that he is now the president of the United States. Set aside your arguments about abortion, gay marriage and transgender bathrooms, because, quite frankly, no president is going to hold fast to any promises given when they are running for office. He has already reneged on many of them and has proven his incompetence...don't get me started on that.

Let's just start at square one, my friends and family who think this man is a fitting choice to be a lifelong example to children, men and women everywhere is a first rate con man who made millions off of a fraudulent university, other poor people, evading tax and telling people they aren't good enough on public television. Foul. He is a known sexual predator, he is ON RECORD saying things I wouldn't dream of repeating out loud.

I was raised in a family where cursing, talking back and lying resulted in a spanking or having my mouth washed out with soap or vinegar. I was raised in a family where my mother taught me to keep my car keys between my fingers when walking to and from my car in case I was approached so I could punch or stab with best effect. I was raised in a home where a man opens the door for a woman (cue Trump getting out of his car while his wife struggles to get out on her own with a present for the leaving FLOTUS), treats a woman with respect and MOST CERTAINLY does not talk about a woman immorally. I was raised in a home where we weren't allowed to date til we were 18 because my mother was certain every man our age was only after sex and she would not allow our hearts to be broken and our bodies to be given where they did not belong.

These rules and examples among MILLIONS other set by my parents and grandparents and people of the church and friends led me to believe the sort of person Donald Trump was and is, is scum. 10 years ago if someone said Donald Trump was going to run for president and he was running as a democrat, everyone I know would have been disgusted, up in arms and running to protest. So...HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! How did a man that I now have to find a way to explain away to my children get into the White House where he has put our safety, our once so highly sought after respect and our future as a nation in danger? How do I tell my future sweet little girls that even though the President should be a role model, this one doesn't count. He was an accidental choice? Yes sweetie, I know he was a liar, a cheat, a con artist, a pervert, a sexual harasser of women and an IDIOT, but the MASS of the voting public though he was a good idea because he was going to shut out Mexicans, Muslims, gays, abortion and "danger." How can I possibly raise a child to be respected, to have respect for herself and her country and to learn the right moral high ground when this man is the example?

I am sorry to everyone I may offend with this post, truly because I love so many of you SOOOO much and I hate to be disrespectful (again another lesson from my youth that Trump was never taught and somehow that's A-OK) but I am not only disgusted with how two-faced your support is, but I am HURT.

I am hurt for all the things that were drilled into my head that I thought were truths and I learned to respect despite the rebelling teenager inside of me that you are now saying is okay just because he's "not Hilary" or "but he says he's gonna make America great again!" I am hurt for the number of times I was told that it was sinful for someone to live with someone else before marriage and yet this man who has been married to three different models, one who made it to fame by posing for playboy, and who thinks it is acceptable to rate women by their beauty and to grab them by the P*&#$y is the man you voted for. I am also disgusted by that last one. I am hurt by the fact that I was put in time out for causing trouble, made to sit in a 3 hour church service and go to bible school to learn obedience and about the Will of God and now that I am a grown woman, implementing all these lessons, you are all now fine with the things I was punished for doing wrong. The hours in bible study...I learned. I truly did and I am a proud Christian and I am unafraid to speak the Bible out loud or to wear a trinity knot (father, son and holy ghost) in permanent ink on the skin he made. But how does this compute? How can it be that I am wrong? That the things you raised me to believe are wrong? How is it at all fair or right that I am to ignore how awful you made me feel for any "sinfulness" while you stand by and support this lying, alternative fact forging creep? 

I can't. I won't. If the only stand I make is this post, at least it's a starting point. You DID have a choice. You had a choice when you went into the polling both in November. You could have voted independent. You could have join the hundreds picketing and protesting Trump the day he was Nominated. You could have been the change the country truly needed. An honest man with a relatively clean bill who still supported your Christian conservative beliefs was in those debates early on.

Folks, I can't hammer all of this home enough. You have told me, the country and the rest of the world that you are supporting this Man and whatever he may do, you are fine with as long as he condemns God's people that YOU don't like and as long as he shuts out those pesky immigrants (I would not be here if it weren't for immigration as my own great grandfather came on the boat from Lebanon). It's your bed, you can now take your sweet time napping in the destruction he creates of our country and the image it's upheld for centuries. Do you really believe a politician's words just because they are outlandish and wild?! You truly believe this man doesn't support abortion in his own heart? That he really doesn't think there should be gay rights? Do you think he really cares? He is a Hollywood man, an actor and someone who has spent his entire life saying what people want him to say to get where he wants.

I am ashamed, ashamed of my elders for whom I have so much deep respect. I am ashamed of our country, that we are so without the ability to do things for ourselves and to love deeply enough that we have put Donald Trump at the forefront to do it for us. (HA!!!)

Again, I do apologize for any hurt and I don't want to alienate any of my friends or family members. I do not misunderstand just because I am young, I am not naïve and I am not ignorant. Won't this country be more mine that yours anyway? As the younger generation, is it not more important that we choose ?

I am tired of being told I am too young. I am tired of being told I don't know enough or that I haven't lived long enough. I have struggled, I have clawed, I have already paid my way through many years with little to no assistance (forever grateful for the assistance I DID receive). I have not suddenly become "wordly" or "a liberal youngster" I am only following the convictions in my heart that YOU placed there when I was a child. I am only following the Word of God. I am trying to love and give and be good.

Explain yourselves. Help me see why you think this is okay. Read and think and stew. Don't immediately react, I sure didn't. I am fed up with the double standards and there is a war in my heart between the love I have for you and the hypocrisy you are now a part of. Don't be lukewarm...

Slainte (cause we will both need a drink)


  1. My dearest Rose, I'm so proud of you!! I ask myself the same question every day. How did this happen? Our job now, my sweetness, is to stay woke, and stand together and speak out.

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