Bittersweet Folk

An unfinished idea... Bittersweet Folk: the journey of two kids shuffling through life with an earnest desire to live beautifully and joyfully...and eat a lot of food! haha!

Well, now that I've got you hooked...

The last month or so has been hard and the next half a year or so will be challenging in it's own ways, but I regret nothing. I am learning, living, experiencing and FEELING. I may not be living ideally and I may find myself lost or lonely, but it's not forever and it's worth it and it's not the first or last time I will feel this way. A new city, a new life, a new pair of rose-colored glasses.

Being here in Richmond is, for me, bittersweet. I think for my mountain man, too. I will not speak for him, though. I don't really fit anywhere in this city, I don't really have a home, I have a room with a loving sister and  have an open invite to C's house, but I don't have a home. I am a nomad gypsy girl again, fine with me. I will adorn myself with rings on my fingers and bells on my toes!

Back to that word for a moment: Bittersweet. I am certain that you can all picture a bittersweet smile, one that is genuine in it's happiness but with a slight down curve of the mouth showing that it is perhaps tainted by something deeper and more real. I would not consider myself a smiley person, I tend to keep my mouth in a firm or slightly relaxed line. These days, a little half smile of the above nature finds it's way to my lips pretty often.

As you well know about me. my surroundings often directly affect my frame of mind. Depressing towns get me down, wide meadows and mountain ranges take me to the moon. Pretty common, I think? So here I am, in a city, a nice city, but a city. I make no money as of yet and I am currently stuck in one place with an injured ankle from an equine incident. So?? I am feeling discouraged, a tad depressed and not a little bit overwhelmed. I have a plan though. Once I start work and am making money, paying bills and able to buy ingredients I will throw myself into the most natural and deepest of my passions, baking and cooking. I've already baked a few loaves of big, crusty, cinnamon swirl bread which C, using his photography skills, has captured with perfection. Bread, being my first love and most comforting item to make will be the first post.

This new blog will be about something different than what i have been telling you of here, it is just a subset of my little journey to find my life in pink. This is a chapter of my life with a boy in a city full of food where I try my utmost to push myself creatively. A Bittersweet Folktale, if you will. A lot of my posts will be full of not only our adventures and my general rambling, but also recipes fit for broke musicians and baristas, LIKE US! Look for the post later tonight or tomorrow and join us in this in between time of life.



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